Monday, April 9, 2007

Ecuador is hot.

Yes, it's true, I've arrived! The flight here took about 12 hours including all the delays. This city is much like Caracas in Venezuela, where I lived for 2 years as a missionary. The streets are a bit cleaner, but the buildings are crumbling, the sidewalks are crumbling, everything is in bad shape if you compare it to the United States. But I'm okay with that. The city is fun and crowded and as I'm typing this a group of loud protestors is marching by. All of their signs say something about Cono. I'm not sure what Cono is but it sure pissed these people off. Maybe the hot weather here just makes people angry. Heck, if Cono is another word for weather, I'd be protesting it too.

Seriously, it's freakin hot down here. I'm sweating so much, I'm afraid the torrents of liquid pouring off my body might short-circuit this computer. At least then they would have to get a new one, this one sucks.

Life here is definately a change of pace from Washington D.C. where I stayed a few days with my grandparents and my aunt Rosie. Rosie is handicapped and the sweetest person you will ever meet. Her mother (my grandmother) is an orchid freak. She even has her own greenhouse full of them. My grandfather is a good man, but tends to talk for an hour or so before he cares to listen to anything you have to say. I went on long walks with him and our conversations were basicaly his monologues. That week that I stayed in my grandfathers house was fun nonetheless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it safe and sound! Take care, stay semi-cool, and go fight the power of that Coco guy, or whatever it is. Looking forward to new blog entries!