Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Can't Take Heat, Getting Out Of Kitchen

My roommate Paolo and his enamorada Joana took me to a club in the rich north side of Guayaquil a while ago. It was really a lot of fun. I'm not a dancer by any means but I do like to go out clubbing. Sadly, I'm pretty sure others find my dancing a painful experience. The club we went to is called Diesel. If you ever find yourself in Ecuador and need a good club to hit up, try it. Music is good, the bar is free (after you pay to get in of course), and the various rooms with either dance floors or couches is a nice touch. The main floor was packed full and bodies were everywhere with little space to move or actually dance. Now, this normally would not deter me but this night it didn't even cross my mind- beautiful Latinas with long, black hair and were everywhere!

I made a miscalculation. Believing that my exotic gringo appeal would conquer all, I began to dance like an ADHD child locked out of the bathroom. The club's sweltering atmosphere and my own unfortunate propensity to perspire combined to extract every drop of moisture in my body and convert it into sweat. I often soak through my shirt here in Ecuador but this time I somehow managed to sweat through my pants and socks as well. It was not pretty. Girls started refusing to dance with me and would even advert their eyes in horror. They must have thought that dancing with me could only end in their testifying to American embassy officials in the inquiry over my death. I really can't blame them. While my luck with the girls was nowhere to be found at that club, the next club I would go to was something completely different...


Anonymous said...

Aw, poor Anthony! Not such a good impression on the Latinas, huh? Also, kind of sucks about your classes, it IS strange that people who don't understand English would choose to take classes all in English! Maybe you could make friends with the Italian? He/she is out of their country as well and might be feeling lonely? Just a thought.

GringoDownSouth said...

Actually, I'm finding out that most of the kids in my clases understand English, more or less. Their speaking abilities usually lag behind but all in all, I'm very impressed with the amount of english around here :)